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Type: Artigo
Title: Transcriptome characterization of the dimorphic and pathogenic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis by EST analysis
Authors: Felipe, Maria Sueli Soares
Andrade, Rosângela Vieira de
Silva, Silvana Petrofeza da
Maranhão, Andrea Queiroz
Torres, Fernando Araripe Gonçalves
Andrade, Patrícia Albuquerque de
Arraes, Fabrício Barbosa Monteiro
Arruda, Maricilia Conceição Cardoso de
Azevedo, M. O.
Baptista, Alessandra Jorge
Bataus, Luiz Artur Mendes
Borges, Clayton Luiz
Campos, Elida Geralda
Cruz, Marcio Rojas da
Daher, Bruno Sahium
Dantas, Alessandra da Silva
Ferreira, Marisa Alvares da Silva Velloso
Ghil, Guilherme Vulpe
Jesuíno, Rosália Santos Amorim
Kyaw, Cynthia Maria
Leitão, L.
Martins, Cláudia Renata Fernandes
Moraes, Lidia Maria Pepe de
Neves, Edvaldo Oliveira
Nicola, André Moraes
Alves, E. S.
Parente, Juliana Alves
Pereira, Maristela
Fonseca, Marcio José Poças
Resende, Renato de Oliveira
Ribeiro, Bergmann Morais
Saldanha, Rosana Regina de
Santos, S. C.
Silva-Pereira, Ildinete
Silva, Marcos Antônio dos Santos
Silveira, Erica Duarte
Soares, Renata de Bastos Ascenço
Souza, Diorge Paulo de
De-Souza, Marlene Teixeira
Andrade, Edmar Vaz de
Xavier, Mauro Aparecido de Sousa
Veiga, Henrique Pinheiro
Venancio, Emerson José
Carvalho, Maria José Albuquerque de
Oliveira, Adilton Guedes
Inoue, M. K.
Almeida Junior, Nalvo Franco de
Walter, Maria Emília Machado Telles
Soares, Célia Maria de Almeida
Brigido, Marcelo de Macedo
Abstract: Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is a pathogenic fungus that undergoes a temperaturedependent cell morphology change from mycelium (22 ◦C) to yeast (36 ◦C). It is assumed that this morphological transition correlates with the infection of the human host. Our goal was to identify genes expressed in the mycelium (M) and yeast (Y) forms by EST sequencing in order to generate a partial map of the fungus transcriptome. Individual EST sequences were clustered by the CAP3 program and annotated using Blastx similarity analysis and InterPro Scan. Three different databases, GenBank nr, COG (clusters of orthologous groups) and GO (gene ontology) were used for annotation. A total of 3938 (Y = 1654 and M = 2274) ESTs were sequenced and clustered into 597 contigs and 1563 singlets, making up a total of 2160 genes, which possibly represent one-quarter of the complete gene repertoire in P. brasiliensis. From this total, 1040 were successfully annotated and 894 could be classified in 18 functional COG categories as follows: cellular metabolism (44%); information storage and processing (25%); cellular processes — cell division, posttranslational modifications, among others (19%); and genes of unknown functions (12%). Computer analysis enabled us to identify some genes potentially involved in the dimorphic transition and drug resistance. Furthermore, computer subtraction analysis revealed several genes possibly expressed in stage-specific forms of P. brasiliensis. Further analysis of these genes may provide new insights into the pathology and differentiation of P. brasiliensis. All EST sequences have been deposited in GenBank under Accession Nos CA580326–CA584263.
Keywords: ESTs
Functional genomics
Human pathogenic fungus
Paracocidioides brasiliensis
Citation: FELIPE, Maria Sueli Soares et al. Transcriptome characterization of the dimorphic and pathogenic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis by EST analysis. Yeast, v. 20, n. 3, p. 263-271, 2003.
Access Type: Acesso Aberto
Document date: 2003
Appears in Collections:PPG - Revistas e Artigos Científicos

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